“I’ve taught leadership and communication to high-level silicon valley executives for many years, but my time with Josh has pointed me to new ways of leading and communicating that I hadn’t ever considered. I employ skills I learned with Josh nearly every day in my role as CEO of a venture-backed start-up, and I have incorporated many of his techniques into my coaching offerings. Josh is one of the most self-aware, relatable communicators I know, and I’m a better CEO, coach, husband, and father for having been influenced by him.”
“I didn’t know what I was missing before my training with Josh. I had been comfortable with power and influence and done a lot of personal growth work, but I now understand what it means to truly relate with others and myself, and how important it is. As a result, I’ve been able to break through a limitation that was keeping my company stuck at about $1.5M to now bringing in over $3.5M and growing – a number that reflects the changes I’ve seen in myself, including my ability to lead a greater number of people. I have even integrated the teachings into my company’s product offerings for its lawyer members, and it’s changing their lives too. Best of all is the impact on my relationship with my teenagers and with their dad. He and I divorced in 2005 yet live together and co-parent the kids; I attribute our ability to do that well to my work with the tools that Josh has taught me.”
— Alexis Katz, CEO & Founder, New Law Business Model and Eyes Wide Open Life
“What I love about working with Josh is how clear, concise and compassionate he is. He blends the head and the heart in a delightful way. My ability to build authentic relationships has been truly enhanced by my work with Josh.”
— Ron Kertzner, Founder, Choicepoint Consulting
“Josh helped me to master my use of time, become clear in my values, and be ultra-efficient in my business and life. He is gifted with an amazing cognitive capacity, phenomenal communication skills, and a remarkable ability to help me see my blind spots.”
— Jorge Soto, Founder & CEO, M5 Software
“Josh is an absolute master of transformational work. Working with him has helped me to get in touch with a strong, genuine version of myself. I love that I’ve not only been happier with myself, but also find a deeper sense of satisfaction in my marriage.”
— Brian Dayman, Founder, Brian Dayman Fitness
“A fresh perspective can work wonders, and sometimes we all need one. Josh’s abilities – to listen, to track all that is being said, and to ask the clarifying questions of highest value – are among the best I’ve experienced. And the simple actions he assisted me in identifying have produced results every time I have applied them. I am grateful.”