What if every conversation went well?

Greater coherence and trust among team members
Leaders having greater confidence in themselves as leaders
Contributors having greater confidence in the leadership team
Greater ability to prevent problems before they arise
Reaching alignment faster
Greater ability to turn tensions into opportunities
Retaining talent longer
Greater clarity on what’s important to do
Having more fun
Executive team dynamics
Leadership consulting
Coherence and culture
Productivity optimization
Conflict resolution
– Alexis Katz, CEO & Founder, New Law Business Model
– Bryan Franklin, former CEO, OutboundWorks; Executive Coach, Level7Leadership
– Ron Kertzner, Founder, Choicepoint Consulting
“We know you are extremely busy. We don’t want you to invest any time with us that’s not going to pay massive dividends.”
- Josh Zemel, LAYER ONE Culture & Leadership
“We believe that how you work together is as important as what you’re working on.”
- Josh Zemel, LAYER ONE Culture & Leadership